05 February 2007


Hope, desperation, humor, dejection, animosity, nostalgia, desire the biggest ingredient for dramatics that surpasses them all; patriotism. The character of John Mason played by an aging sean connery, in the somewhat watchable Rock says "patriotism is the virtue of the vicious".

In my opinion, if you are a patriot, you can't be against casteism, racism, regionalism or communalism, they work on the same construct, just the expanse is different. As far as India is concerned, I'd surely like to know where the quintessential India is. In Karnataka, I feel as much an outsider as a Spaniard would, probably more, because, I don’t have a fair-skin. Each state, each province these days is trying harder to protect its boundaries, its regionalism, its language, I don't even need to bring up cases like north east, where, it is usual to be confronted with questions like "are you from India". So, where's the India we're all getting so emotional about?. Here you have people grouping together to fight anyone once they find a common ground, India is just a collection of temporary mobs which change as per convenience. Issues like caste, reservations, religion, region, are all excuses.

1 comment:

meraj said...

because the country is so diverse, it will always be like this...mostly divided. this whole thing of 'unity in diversity' and all is just a rumor spread by those who benefit from it...